KAFS 2025 Course Diary
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Field Walking and Map Analysis - Saturday 19th April – Sunday 20th April 2025
Field work at its most basic involves walking across the landscape recording features seen on the ground. On this weekend course we are concerned with recognising and recording artefacts found within the plough soil. These include flint tools, Roman building material, pottery, glass and metal artefacts. One of the uses of field walking is to build up a database for large-scale regional archaeological surveys. We will consider the importance of regressive map analysis as part of this procedure. The course will cover:
1. Strategies and procedures,
2. Standard and non-standard line walking, grid walking,
3. Pottery distribution, identifying pottery and building ceramics
£40 if membership is taken out, Non-members £45.
Investigation of Roman Villa and watermill - 19th July until Sunday
27th July 2025
Excavations at Snagbrook Farm, Hollingbourne in Kent. A chance to be spending over a week on site from Saturday 19th July until Sunday 27th July 2025
Members free Non-members £15 a day

Training Week for Students on a Roman Villa and Water Mill at Hollingbourne In Kent
Week commencing
Monday 21st July – 25th
July 2025
It is essential that anyone thinking of digging on an achaeological site is trained in the procedures used in professional archaeology. Dr Paul Wilkinson, author of bestselling "Archaeology" book and director of SWAT Archaeology will spend seven days explaining to participants the methods used in modern archaeology. A typical training day will be classroom theory (on site) in the morning, followed by excavations at the Roman water mill and villa at Hollingbourne in Kent.
Topics tsught each day are:
Monday: Why dig?
Tuesday: Excavation techniques
Wednesday: Site Survey
Thursday: Archaeological Recording
Friday: Dmsll Finds
Saturday and Sunday: (free) digging eith the team. Sn opportunity to participate in excavating and recording Roman features in the landscape from this new site first identified by the local Lenham Archaeological Society and the aerial photogrpahy research, which shows s number of potential archaeological sites which may include a Roman villa, aisled barn and watermill and recent investigations by the KAFS have identified Roman building remains in the vicinity of the stream.
A free PDF copy of "Archaeology" 4th Edition eill be iven to participants.
Cost for the course is £100 if membership is taken out at the time of booking plus a Certificate of Attendance.
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